Online Softmax

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In this post, I discuss the online softmax algorithm, which is used extensively as a sub-routine of various memory-efficient attention algorithms.

Problem formulation

We see a sequence of $N$ real numbers $s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_N \in \mathbb{R}$, and $N$ vectors $V_1, V_2, \ldots, V_N \in \mathbb{R}^d$. These real numbers and vectors are shown to us $K$ pairs of $(s_i, V_i)$ at a time. The goal is to compute the quantity:

\[\begin{align*} O &= \dfrac{\sum_{i=1}^N \exp{(s_i)} \cdot V_i}{\sum_{i=1}^N \exp{(s_i)}} \end{align*}\]

One easy approach is to keep all the $(s_i, V_i)$ pairs in memory, and then compute the output using the formula above. However, this approach is not memory-efficient in many ways. This is because we need to store $N$ pairs of $(s_i, V_i)$, which is $O(N)$ memory, which is a disaster when $N$ is large.

The online softmax algorithm aims to compute the output, while maintaining a relatively minimal amount of memory.

The algorithm

The gist of the online softmax algorithm is to store certain information about the pairs $(s_i, V_i)$ that we see sequentially, and then use this information to compute the output.

A note on numerical stability

To account for the instability of taking $e$ to the power of large numbers, softmax implementations typically subtract the value $M = \max{s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_N}$ from each $s_i$ and compute the equivalent quantity:

\[\begin{align*} O &= \dfrac{\sum_{i=1}^N \exp{(s_i - M)} \cdot V_i}{\sum_{i=1}^N \exp{(s_i - M)}} \end{align*}\]

What we store and update while observing the $(s_i, V_i)$ pairs will closely follow the equation above.

Note that in some alternative implementations of the online softmax algorithm, we instead subtract a large constant $C$ from each $s_i$ instead of $M$. This is more memory-efficient, but if we do not choose $C$ carefully, it can be numerically unstable.


We define the following quantities:

\[\begin{align*} M_k &:= \max(s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_k) \\ S_k &:= \sum_{i=1}^k \exp(s_i - M_k) \\ O_k &:= \sum_{i=1}^k \exp(s_i - M_k) \cdot V_i \end{align*}\]

Then, the final answer to the problem is:

\[\begin{align*} O = \dfrac{\sum_{i=1}^N \exp(s_i) \cdot V_i}{\sum_{i=1}^N \exp(s_i)} = \dfrac{\sum_{i=1}^N \exp(s_i - M_N) \cdot V_i}{\sum_{i=1}^N \exp(s_i - M_N)} = \dfrac{O_N}{S_N} \end{align*}\]

As such, if we maintain $M_k, S_k, O_k$ for $k = 1, 2, \ldots, N$, we can return $O_N / S_N$ at the end. To this end, every time we see a new pair $(s_k, V_k)$, we perform the updates to $M_k, S_k, O_k$ so that they always compute the quantites above. For $M_k$ and $S_k$, the updates are:

\[\begin{align*} M_{k} &= \max(M_{k-1}, s_k) \\ S_{k} &= \exp(M_{k-1} - M_k) \cdot S_{k-1} + \exp(s_k - M_k) \\ \end{align*}\]

The update rule for $O_k$ is slightly more involved. From the definition of $O_k$, we have:

\[\begin{align*} \exp(M_k) \cdot O_k &= \sum_{i=1}^k \exp(s_i) \cdot V_i \\ &= \exp(s_k) \cdot V_k + \sum_{i=1}^{k-1} \exp(s_i) \cdot V_i \\ &= \exp(s_k) \cdot V_k + \exp(M_{k-1}) \cdot O_{k-1} \end{align*}\]

Therefore, we have:

\[\begin{align*} O_k &= \exp(M_{k-1} - M_k) \cdot O_{k-1} + \exp(s_k - M_k) \cdot V_k \end{align*}\]

What if we see two pairs: $(s_{k-1}, V_{k-1})$ and $(s_{k-2}, V_{k-2})$ at a time?

Most of the formula above can be reused:

\[\begin{align*} M_{k} &= \max(M_{k-2}, s_{k-1}, s_k) \\ S_{k} &= \exp(M_{k-2} - M_k) \cdot S_{k-2} + \exp(s_{k-1} - M_k) + \exp(s_k - M_k) \\ \end{align*}\]

The key is to choose the identity regarding $O_k$ to recurse:

\[\begin{align*} \exp(M_k) \cdot O_k &= \exp(s_k) \cdot V_k + \exp(M_{k-1}) \cdot O_{k-1} \\ &= \exp(s_k) \cdot V_k + \exp(s_{k-1}) \cdot V_{k-1} + \exp(M_{k-2}) \cdot O_{k-2} \\ \end{align*}\]

Which leads to:

\[\begin{align*} O_k &= \exp(M_{k-2} - M_k) \cdot O_{k-2} + \exp(s_{k-1} - M_k) \cdot V_{k-1} + \exp(s_k - M_k) \cdot V_k \end{align*}\]

How about $K$ pairs at a time?

In the general case, where we see $K$ pairs at a time, say $s_{k-i}, V_{k-i}$ for $i = 1, 2, \ldots, K$, it turns out that the same recursions above simply extend to:

\[\begin{align*} M_{k} &= \max(M_{k-K}, s_{k-K+1}, \ldots, s_k) \\ S_{k} &= \exp(M_{k-K} - M_k) \cdot S_{k-K} + \sum_{i=0}^{K-1} \exp(s_{k-i} - M_k) \\ O_{k} &= \exp(M_{k-K} - M_k) \cdot O_{k-K} + \sum_{i=0}^{K-1} \exp(s_{k-i} - M_k) \cdot V_{k-i} \end{align*}\]

In many contexts that we use the online softmax algorithm, these updates can be vectorized to make the implementation more efficient.

Python implementation

Finally, here is the Python implementation of the online softmax algorithm. Bonus: it also supports a batch dimension, which can be considered the vectorization of the described algorithm.

TODO(hieu): maybe write the vectorized version for this code?

Code. You can run the tests here.
def online_softmax(s: np.ndarray, V: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Online softmax."""
    batch_size, n = s.shape

    M = np.copy(s[:, 0])  # batch_size
    S = np.ones(shape=[batch_size])  # batch_size
    O = np.copy(V[:, 0, :])  # batch_size, d

    for k in range(1, n):
        s_k = s[:, k]  # batch_size
        M_k = np.maximum(M, s[:, k])  # batch_size
        S_k = np.exp(M - M_k) * S + np.exp(s_k - M_k)  # batch_size
        O_k = np.exp(M - M_k)[:, None] * O + np.exp(s_k - M_k)[:, None] * V[:, k, :]  # batch_size, d
        M, S, O = M_k, S_k, O_k

    out = O / S[:, None]
    return out

TODO(hieu): maybe write about the idea of S-M-O reduce.